Case: Rage over a disabled parking spot.
Our client was unaware he parked in a disabled parking spot. The complainant, a 70 year old male, claims that he politely told our client to move his car after which our client abused and assaulted him. Our client denied he assaulted the complainant and instead claimed that the old man was abusive and spat at him, causing our client to push the complainant away.
Charges/ Ch1 (unlawful assault)
Result/ Charge withdrawn
Our lawyer obtained the prior criminal history of the complainant which showed a history of violence. The complainant also said that his glasses and expensive watch were broken in the assault, however he provided a photo of his injuries showing grazes to his arm – in that photo his watch and glasses were unbroken. Our lawyer indicated that our client will contest the charge and that the complainant has no credibility in relation to his account. The police promptly withdrew the charge.